“Recognition by the global shipping industry through maritime excellence”
- Produce qualified professionalseafarers in order to further enhance employment prospects.
- Maintain a quality but competitive ship register
- Implement the provisions of applicable International conventions and regulations.
- Enhance and update the professional knowledge of officials in the divisions.
- Perform regulatory and service oriented functions with a high degree of efficiency and integrity.
- Continuous improvement in all aspects of Maritime Activities.
Following a liberalized shipping policy, which was in continued practice during this period considered a pre-requisite to attract more business to the shipping industry in Sri Lanka.
Providing quality maritime education, training examination and certification of seafarers and ensuring safety of life and property at sea, enabling them to secure employment on foreign and national flag ships.
Promoting registration of ships under Sri Lanka flag and maintaining internationally acceptable standards through survey and inspection.
Work towards the eradication of substandard ships visiting our ports by conducting Ports State Control Inspections in line with the IOMOU on Port State Control matters in the Indian Ocean region.
Enforce the compliance of all applicable international conventions by all parties concerned, as appropriate